Partnerships and collaboration

The University of Rwanda (UR) libraries have a partnership and collaboration with the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University of Borås and the library of the Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) aiming at promoting the harmonisation and capacity building for the development of a modern research library at the University of Rwanda. It is carried out within the UR-Sweden Programme for Research, Higher Education and Institutional Advancement, supported by Sida (the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).  The cooperation includes capacity building in terms of education (masters, doctoral studies) and short courses, as well as hands on work, consultancy and workshops on the one hand, and support to infrastructure and resourses on the other.

Please watch the film, starting with its official trailer, on the University of Rwanda-Sweden Cooperation. 

The cooperation blog

The cooperation between the UR libraries and the Swedish Partners also has a blog, where trainings and processes are shared. It is the team leaders’ intention to update it as often as possible.

In the news

The cooperation between the UR libraries and the Swedish partners has been covered in a couple of Swedish magazines (the texts are in Swedish)

Do you wish to discuss cooperation? Please contact the University Librarian