Academic writing guides

The scientific research that you conduct for your report or thesis, needs to be communicated and presented in a style of expression that is recognised within the academia and your own discipline. Please see   UR's Guide to Academic writing  

To develop scientific writing skills as well as quality academic research are essential parts of the research process and for successful results. There are different views and approaches to academic writing, but academic texts are usually formal, use a clear language, refer to their research field etc. Below, we share a couple of useful and comprehensive guides to academic writing.

Useful guides to academic writing

Useful online course

 ”Writing in English at University” is a course (mooc, Massive Open Online Course) developed by Lund University in Sweden, which aims at giving students an understanding of the conventions of academic writing in English, as well as to help students develop their own academic writing skills and ”toolboxes” at the same time as encouraging students to reflect on their own skills related to their discipline.