It might not be intentionally, but sometimes scientific work is suspected of cheating or plagiarism, because of lacking correct references or not giving credit to the original authors. As students and researchers, we need to avoid this and the University of Rwanda uses a tool, TurnitIn, that identifies text that is copied in reports and thesis work.
In order to avoid plagiarism, it is important to properly quote and to give correct references (see: Reference management).
Anti-plagiarism tutorial
The University of Rwanda, in partnership with the University of Borås, are currently developing an anti-plagiarism guide for the University of Rwanda students. There are other useful guides and we recommend Refero, developed by two Swedish universities (Blekinge Institute of Technology, another partner of the Library, and Linnaeus University). Refero is a web based guide developed to help students understand what plagiarism means. Tips are also shared on how to quote and paraphrase correctly to avoid plagiarizing:
Anti-plagiarism tools and support
Teachers and researchers may access the University of Rwanda anti-plagiarism tool here.
For support, please use the UR e-learning platform.