Publishing your research

Publishing a research paper in a journal or conference is a daunting challenge to many academics because they are in a situation where  the teaching schedules makes it  demanding for them to have reflective time to write and publish their research. Given that research output  plays a substatial role as far as the ranking of the University is concerned, URLS seeks to provice support on getting published, including the writing process,  literature searching, measuring impact (Bibliometrics), dealing with copyright  issues and Open Researcher and Contributor Identificatifier (ORCID) registration to enable academic at UR to easly engage with publishing  their research. The University of Rwanda library services  provides support in the usage of reference management software such as Mendeley.

University of Rwanda Library Services also provides support in finding  the most suitable academic journal for your research area so as to  tailor your research paper easily and increase its chance of being published.